Premium CBD Cannabis Oil in Virgin Hemp Oil

The antioxidant and high omega 5 properties of organic virgin hemp oil, pressed from the seeds of sativa L, make it the perfect carrier oil for CBD boosted cannabis oil. Supercritical CO2 extracted CBD oil from full spectrum whole plant is processed from carefully selected industrial hemp and belded with the virgin hemp oil. Additional pure CBD distillate is then added to create a pure high strength organic CBD oil. Because industrial hemp is ultra-low in THC, the full spectrum CBD oil it produces is well within CBD oil legal UK limits, containing only an almost undetectable trace of less than 0.01% THC that passes driving and work’s testing limits. If you are looking for a zero THC CBD oil in Virgin hemp, then try our Premium THC free range.

Premium CBD in Virgin hemp has a nutty, savory taste. If you prefer a more neutral taste you may wish to try Premium CBD oil in MTC, however this original Virgin hemp based formulation remains our most popular product. Hold a few drops under your tongue for fast take up of the CBD through the blood-rich membranes or add the CBD oil to a warm drink or food. Do bear in mind that temperatures above 65 degrees will change the molecular structure of the oil greatly reducing the effectiveness of the cannabinoids

Purelife offer Premium CBD in Virgin Hemp oil in 500mg CBD (5%), 1000mg CBD (10%), 2000mg CBD (20%) and 3000mg CBD (30%) per 10ml of organic virgin hemp oil, so you can choose the best strength of CBD for your use. The bottles are available with spray or pipette lids.

What is Premium CBD oil good for?

Research into the human endocannibinoid system is fascinating! Although cannabis family plants have been used in herbal medicine in some cultures for centuries, medical science is only really now catching on to the benefits of CBD oil for mainstream use. Naturally occurring cannabinoids in the body are used to regulate many body-wide systems with functions as diverse as mental processes and mood to pain perception and control of inflammation levels in response to injury or stress. Understandably NHS licensed cannabis oil must undergo extensive scientific testing. Currently doctors only prescribes it for severe epileptics and many GPs are still wary to do so, much highlighted in the national press. CBD oil for pain and CBD oil for anxiety are areas being currently researched but, in the meantime is important that, as responsible CBD oil UK suppliers, that we highlight that CBD oil sold as a food supplement is not a medicine. Whilst our oils are independently lab-tested and you can view the results here on our website, they should not be used to replace prescribed medications, or to treat disease. They are intended for use as part of your healthy living regime that should include a balanced diet, exercise and sufficient sleep.

Users of Premium CBD often select it to compliment well-researched food choices that support their general wellbeing, managing longstanding conditions or whilst training for sports or in the gym. People with stressful lives need to take particular care of their health and may include CBD among their natural supplement choices when they seek to increase focus and calmness.

The time of the day that you take your CBD can be important. Some users find that CDB can make them drowsy. It is very important to check if you are affected this way if you take CBD before needing to drive or operate machinery, however people who have a good sleep hygiene routine, including a screen use curfew and late caffeine ban often choose to take their CBD shortly before bedtime and sometimes in a higher dose than they would for daytime use.

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